Wednesday 24 March 2010

This is a second post


Content, Content, Content

Hello, and welcome to my third WoW blog!

Well what's there to say, my original WoW Blog, Wulfsblood's Writings became a Tankadin Blog around march '07 when I switched to playing my Paladin. The sum total of my Hunter-y wisdom on that blog can be found here. (On a side note it's interesting to see how much the game's changed since classic. That old 16-debuff limit on mobs was a killer in 40-man raids.)

Now, after a few months playing a DPS Death Knight, I've bowed to the overwhelming amount of melee in my guild and levelled Wulf as my raiding main. My Guild's had the worst luck with recruiting a decent Hunter since WotLK came around, and I have to say it's fun playing the class again.

I'm also using this blog to experiment a bit with Adsense and the like. Apologies if the presence of advertising gets too obnoxious.